Breakdown of the verb form:
ᎦᏅᏏᏓᏍᏗ - ga:-nvsi-dasdi
"for him/her to be able to move, crawl around"

ga:- - prepronominal prefix - when used with an infinitive, it means "the ability" to perform the action of the verb.
See Montgomery-Anderson "Cherokee Reference Grammar", p. 298-299

u- - "s/he", this is a "B" Class bound pronoun, used before a consonant.

-nvsi- - verb root of "move, crawl around"

-dasdi - infinitive suffix.

This particular verb isn't documented in vetted dictionaries but is clearly a form of ᎠᏓᏅᏏᏂᏙᎭ minus the "ada-" reflexive prefix.