Breakdown of the verb form;

ᏓᏥᏩᏛᎮᏏᏊ - da-tsi:-ɂwahtvhes-i-gwu - I will still go visit him/her

da- - future tense prefix used with a verb's "Remote" or "Perfective" Past tense stem

tsi:- - "I", this is an "A" Class bound pronoun, used before a vowel. Since the object being visited is animate (him or her), the "i" vowel is held a little longer when speaking. The colon ":" after a vowel is used on this website and by some linguists to mark a long vowel.

-hwatvhes- - Perfective or Remote Past tense verb stem for "visit someone" (RRD). This is an "h-Stem" verb so after the pronoun "tsi:-", the "h" changes to be a glottal stop "ɂ" to become -ɂwatvhes-.

-i - future tense suffix used with "da-" and the "Remote" or "Perfective" Past stem to create the Future tense in Cherokee.

-gwu - "still" or "just"; final suffix for added meaning/intention.